Picture of 3M™ LED Independent Faucet ID1
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Product: TT_FaucetID1

3M™ LED Independent Faucet ID1


  • Independent faucet design, filter water cleaner and sanitary
  • Filter water handle is equipped with LED filter replacement reminder light


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product description

  • The LED independent faucet ID1 has been certified by NSF/ANSI Std. 61, making filtered water cleaner and sanitary
  • The filter handle is equipped with an LED filter replacement indicator light. When in normal use, the blue light flashes; when the LED light turns from blue to red, it means that the filter element needs to be replaced as soon as possible, and a new battery must be replaced for normal operation.
  • Faucet size: 3.5cm (W) x 19.5cm (H) x 16 cm (D)


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  2. 此產品由 卓達行(香港)有限公司 提供。
  3. 如有任何爭議,卓達行(香港)有限公司 及健康網購health.ESDlife保留最終決議權。



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    *+$200速遞送貨 (東涌、馬灣及愉景灣)
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    查詢熱線: 35989422 / 35989411
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