Picture of Air Oasis™ Filterless Photocatalyst Air Purifier with Ionizer AO3000G3
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Product: Ipurifi_AO3000G3

Air Oasis™ Filterless Photocatalyst Air Purifier with Ionizer AO3000G3


  • Reduction of airborne and surface virus and bacteria up to 99.99%
  • Patented Bi-polar Ionization Technology
  • Patented-pending nano Nickel HCT™ Catalyst
  • Low electricity usage Medical grade germicidal UVC lamp
  • Coverage: 3,000sq. ft.


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Why Air Oasis™ Air Purifier?


Air pollutants, in particular, fine particles (commonly referred to as PM2.5) and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), are respirable suspended particulates pollutants, gases phase pollutants, and/or the mixtures of them in the air and can cause wide ranging adverse effects to human health. Scientific studies have linked exposure to air pollutants to health issues such as impairment to foetus development, child growth, overall wellness, and in severe cases, death. Not only are air pollutants harmful to brain development in children, it also leads to early brain degeneration and the early onset of dementia for the elderlies. Apart from the increased burden towards health care costs, adverse effect of air pollution also creates a direct impact on the economic and social development. The overall costs caused by air pollutants continue to rise.



Utilized the early NASA technology

Patented Bi-Polar® Technology

Not only break down contaminants on a molecular level, but also cause particles and allergens to cluster together and fall out of your breathable air space.




Patented-pending nano Nickel HCT™ Catalyst

The +HEPA technology is one of the keys. The double layers HEPA are designed to oriented in perpendicular direction, so to enhance the arrested of the particulates matters flow from different direction.


Compact, Quiet, Effective

*The test report is based on 2000sq. ft warehouse and use another model (Nano HCT-9) using the same AHPCO Nano Catalyst Technology for testing

Air Oasis™ air purifier effectively treats the indoor pollutions as small as 0.001 micro compared with HEPA filter, such as: 1) Airborne allergens, 2) Bacteria, 3) virus and mold in the air and on the surfaces, 4) VOC and HCHO after refurbishment, 5) Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphate coming from toilets and refuse area, 6) Odors such as cigarette smoke and pet smell.

Reduction of airborne and surface bacterial and virus up to 99%

Study at Coulter Animal Hospital also measured Air Oasis air purifier and induct air purifier reduced 85% VOCs in the indoor air after running for an hour. 

Study at BSA Hospital also measured a 75% reduction in microbes and fungus in only 8 hours of use. 

A MRSA study provided by the West Texas A&M University measured reductions in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aurous, MRSA on surfaces, confirm that Air Oasis air purifier sanitizing technology not only purifies your air, but also sanitizes surfaces. 


LongLife+TM specialty lamp coating on medical-grade UVC lamp

Medical grade germicidal UVC lamp with LongLife+TM specialty lamp coating, it can maintain up to 80% of their output at 16,000 hours. (Life claim testing done under laboratory conditions. Actual performances depend on operating conditions.)

Effectively treat pollution as small as 0.001 microns compare with HEPA filter

Based on the report (using AO1000G3), AHPCO Nano Catalyst Technology there is no harm to human cells.


Less electricity by new generation of Green Technology

US Green Building Council issued cert to Air Oasis LLP for adopting New Generation of Green Technology; use less electricity than a light blub.

It can maintain up to 80% of their output at 16,000 hours


Product Warranty 

  • Warranty period: 24 months (excluding consumables, such as UV filters)
  • All product information and after-sales terms are based on the manufacturer’s official website. If you have any questions, please call or visit the distributor’s website for inquiries.

Product features:

  • Compact design allows multiple placement options


  • Size : 4 (L) x 4 (W) x 16 (H) inches
  • Coverage : 3,000sq. ft.

  • Weight : 6 lbs

  • Power : AC220V, 50Hz

  • Watts : 15 (12VDC)

  • Air Flow : 11 (cfm)

  • Replacements : 2 – 3 years

  • 2 years warranty

  • Made in USA


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