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Mt. Fuji Handmade Gift Pack (Bangladesh Prokritee Mt. Fuji Red Pottery Diffuser Necklace + Belgium Oxfam Fairtrade: Organic Fruit Tea Bags 1.8gx 2 / Organic Mints 3g x 1)
- Bangladesh Prokritee Mt. Fuji Red Pottery Diffuser Necklace [Mt. Fuji Red Pottery Diffuser Necklace, through the pores on the terracotta, the scent of aromatherapy is slowly emitted. Can be hung on the neck, or used as a diffuser in the room/car. *The length of cotton rope can be adjusted by yourself]
- Oxfam Fairtrade Belgium: Organic Fruit Tea Bags 1.8gx 2 / Organic Mints 3g x 1
Each serving comes with a Let it snow Christmas card
Deliver within 3 to 4 working day(s)
Shipping fee $60 applies

10% off
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- Bangladesh Prokritee Mt. Fuji Red Pottery Diffuser Necklace [Mt. Fuji Red Pottery Diffuser Necklace, through the pores on the terracotta, the scent of aromatherapy is slowly emitted. Can be hung on the neck, or used as a diffuser in the room/car. *The length of cotton rope can be adjusted by yourself]
- Oxfam Fairtrade Belgium: Organic Fruit Tea Bags 1.8gx 2 / Organic Mints 3g x 1
Each serving comes with a Let it snow Christmas card