![Picture of Siemens Siemens Washer Dryer 8L/5L 1400 RPM WD14S4B0HK (Standard Installation Package) [Original Licensed] Picture of Siemens Siemens Washer Dryer 8L/5L 1400 RPM WD14S4B0HK (Standard Installation Package) [Original Licensed]](https://health.esdlife.com/shop/content/images/thumbs/0039646_siemens-85-1400-wd14s4b0hk-_360.png)
Siemens Siemens Washer Dryer 8L/5L 1400 RPM WD14S4B0HK (Standard Installation Package) [Original Licensed]
- Laundry capacity: 8 kg
- Drying capacity: 5 kg
- Spinning speed: 600 - 1400 rpm
- iQdrive Inverter Motor
- Extra large LED multi-function display
- Condenser automatic cleaning
- Washing and drying progress display
- Remaining time display
- Preset program completion time (1-24) hours
- Dry time selection
- program completion horn
- Control panel security lock
- Pneumatic Rally Suspension (4pcs)
- Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Label 1
- Dimensions: (W X H X D) cm: 59.5 x 82.5 x 47
Licensed Import
Purchase Exceed $500 EnjoyFree Shipping

- Automatic induction drying to avoid overheating and uneven drying of clothes.
- The iQdrive brushless inverter motor is quiet and durable, providing an efficient and energy-saving laundry experience.
- Drum Cleaning Program - Keeps the drum clean and hygienic
- The extra-large LED multi-function display screen and the preset program completion time (1-24 hours) can better meet your laundry needs at all times.
- Wash & Dry in 60 minutes – Wash + Dry in 60 minutes
- Hot-dry sterilization*, Program memory, Cotton, Energy saving, Mixed laundry, Delicate/Silk laundry, Delicate laundry, Water/spin, Clean drum, Extra strong, Gentle dry, Quick wash 15 / Wash+Dry 60mins, Hypoallergenic sterilization 65ºC, Thin quilt, Wool clothes, Dehydration/Drainage
- High-speed and convenient mode, automatic induction drying (intensive drying/drying/soft drying/self-setting drying time), temperature selection, spin speed selection, completion time preset selection, pre-wash, extra water, refill Function
Product Specifications
Laundry capacity: 8kg Drying capacity: 5kg Max spin speed: 1400 rpm Dimensions: H820mm X W595mm X D470mm
Product pictures and descriptions may be different from the actual product. The appearance and details of the product are subject to the actual product and the agent. Information is subject to change without notice.
Installation Quote :
ESDlife only sells products, including maintenance and shipping (subject to terms and conditions), including standard installation
If you need a quotation for additional installation charges, you can inquire at Siemens 2565 6151. The supplier will contact you to confirm the delivery and installation, and all installation fees will be charged by the agent.
- 大電包免費送貨至港九新界 (另外樓梯每層$60,東涌及馬灣加 $40 ; 愉景灣加 $160 ), 其它地區及村屋請向商戶查詢另行報價。
- 購買 小電產品總額滿HK$500,即可享一般地區免費送貨上門服務
- 賬單總額未滿HK$500需附加HK$100運費
- 不同送貨地區設特定送貨時間,由商戶安排,但客人可任選星期一至六 (赤柱,淺水灣,深水灣,大潭及西貢只安排星期二,四六送貨。)
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- 額外附加費:如送貨地點需上樓梯(包括住宅外樓梯)
- 每層(由地面往上多於4級,至14級作一層計算)將收取附加費:$60/層
- 指定產品樓梯費用:
- 300公升以上雪櫃 $100/層
- 2匹冷氣機以上 $100/層
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