5 Review(s)
Product: NeoYouth_everest

[Free Skin Care Product] NeoYouth EVEREST NMN 21,000 mg + GliSODin® 6,000 mg

Discount (1) View Discount

🎁Buy 1 bottle and get free gifts totaling $582🎁

1) Vinoderm Essential Regenerating Night Cream 50ml

2) Merrilady 10-day trial pack


🎁Buy 2 bottles and get free gifts totaling $1,792🎁

1) Swisscode pure Vitamin F Forte Swisscode pure 15ml

2) Swisscode pure Dynalift HYA Swisscode pure 15ml

3) Merrilady 10-day trial pack


🎁Buy 3 bottles and get free gifts totaling $2,492:🎁

1) Vinoderm Protection Detox Moisture Cream 50ml

2) Vinoderm Essential Regenerating Night Cream Vinoderm 50ml

3) Swisscode pure Vitamin F Forte Swisscode pure 15ml

4) Swisscode pure Dynalift HYA Swisscode pure 15ml

5) Merrilady 10-day trial pack


After the above-designated gifts are sold out, we will be replaced by gifts of the same brand and value

Discount (1)
Get gifts worth up to $2,492

🎁Buy 1 bottle and get free gifts totaling $582🎁

1) Vinoderm Essential Regenerating Night Cream 50ml

2) Merrilady 10-day trial pack


🎁Buy 2 bottles and get free gifts totaling $1,792🎁

1) Swisscode pure Vitamin F Forte Swisscode pure 15ml

2) Swisscode pure Dynalift HYA Swisscode pure 15ml

3) Merrilady 10-day trial pack


🎁Buy 3 bottles and get free gifts totaling $2,492:🎁

1) Vinoderm Protection Detox Moisture Cream 50ml

2) Vinoderm Essential Regenerating Night Cream Vinoderm 50ml

3) Swisscode pure Vitamin F Forte Swisscode pure 15ml

4) Swisscode pure Dynalift HYA Swisscode pure 15ml

5) Merrilady 10-day trial pack


After the above-designated gifts are sold out, we will be replaced by gifts of the same brand and value


  • 專利逆齡配方
  • 全方位修復衰老基因細胞
  • 全球首個口服專利頂級抗氧劑
  • 一秒中和百萬衰老根源自由基
  • 新一代修復DNA的科研逆齡產品





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  1. 三重質量保證










  1. 細胞發電機 X 自由基殺手強強皇牌抗衰老配方:
  • NMN 菸醯胺單核苷酸是人體內諾加因子的前體,已獲美國及日本多個權威機構及大學研究認證其對細胞奇效,當中抵禦輻射、修復DNA損傷、安全作出生理逆轉等特性令其成為現代抗衰老必不可少的高效元素,為全身細胞提供超級能量。
  • GliSODin®法國專利蜜瓜萃取「超級酵素SOD」: 抗氧化金字塔的頂尖成分,是全球首個經臨床證實口服有效及「可以經由消化系統吸收的SOD」。一秒中和過百萬引致衰老的自由基,相比其他現有抗氧化成分作單一消滅,效果更顯著,一步到位擊退自由基,抵禦年齡增長及氧化對人體機能的損耗和破壞,從細胞根本煥發年青活力。


  1. 權威實證,安全可靠
  2. NMN於人體上應用已獲哈佛大學、美國太空總署及華盛頓大學等公開肯定,並經至少3大國際權威期刊持續認證,臨床觀察實證生理或機能逆轉的同時,並無產生不良健康問題;配合法國專利成分GliSODin®,經25項研究及15項於期刊發表的臨床實證,同時獲10項功效專利,避免入侵性方式抵禦衰老,簡單口服,輕易溫和達到高強度抗氧化效果。


  1. 內外夾擊,全方位保衛長青體態
  2. 對外防禦:高效中和自由基,一舉殲滅氧化及衰老元兇
    對內修復:營養補給、修復內臟、增益免疫、加強屏障及啟動自癒五部曲 雙向同步強化人體機能,全面維持頂尖強健體魄。


  1. 實力 x 科技:100%純度+耐酸性吸收更好
  2. 利用尖端腸溶植物膠囊技術,使成份不被胃酸破壞及溶解,直到腸道中才釋放,令雙皇牌成分更易吸收、成效更佳。結合100%純度的NMN,可以確保長期食用也沒有任何不良或不知名的雜質影響身體,禦齡效果倍增。



  • 日本研發及生產
  • FSSC 22000全球食品安全驗證
  • 日本優良生產規範(GMP)認證的藥廠製造
  • 獲日本厚生勞動省食物安全重點控制(HACCP)認證
  • 法國蜜瓜萃取GliSODin®
  • 諾貝爾醫學獎得獎教授證實GliSODin®的成效
  • 產品檢驗證明書(Certificate Of Analysis)
  • 獲非基因改造(Non-GMO)產品證明
  • 素食認證



  • 每粒分量(593毫克);本包裝含60粒腸溶性植物膠囊
  • 每粒膠囊含NMN(β-煙醯胺單核苷酸) 350mg/毫克、Melon Extract GliSODin®法國蜜瓜萃取 100mg/毫克
  • 其他成分(50毫克):麥芽糖醇、硬脂酸鎂、微晶纖維素、二氧化矽



Serving Per Container/每包裝所含食用份量數目   60pcs / 粒
Servings Per Capsule/每一粒膠囊含量   593mg / 毫克
Energy / 能量: 2.67 kcal/千卡
Protein / 蛋白質: 0.18 g/克
Total fat / 總脂肪:  0.00g/克
Saturated Fat / 飽和脂肪: 0.00g/克
Trans Fat / 反式脂肪: 0.00g/克
Carbohydrates / 碳水化合物: 0.37g/克  
Sugars / 糖:  0.00g/克
Sodium / 鈉: 0.2mg/毫克



☒ 添加糖

☒ 大豆

☒ 果仁

☒ 麩質

☒ 防腐劑

☒ 乳製品

☒ 人造香料



  • 關注衰老問題人士
  • 關注記憶力、專注力衰退人士
  • 關注身體運動機能人士
  • 經常熬夜、睡眠質素欠佳人士
  • 容易疲累、精神欠佳人士
  • 關注皮膚老化人士
  • 關注免疫力人士
  • 關注體重人士
  • 關注毛髮生長人士
  • 關注心血管健康人士
  • 關注情緒問題人士









  • 本產品不含常見過敏原,請參考成份,服用後如有任何不適或過敏,請立即停止服用。請按照每天建議服用量使用,勿過量攝取並建議配合均衡飲食。
  • 本產品為營養補充品,如接受醫藥治療人士、兒童、孕婦或已懷孕的婦女食用前必須先諮詢醫生意見。服用後如有任何不適,請立即停止服用。
  • 本產品沒有根據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》或《中醫藥條例》註冊。為此產品作出的任何聲稱亦沒有為進行該等註冊而接受評核。此產品並不供作診斷、治療或預防任何疾病之用。



General Terms:

  • Items sold are non-refundable.
  • The products are supplied by AJC Investment Ltd.
  • If in case of any dispute, AJC Investment Ltd and health.ESDlife reserve the right of final decision.


Delivery Terms:

  • Free local delivery service will be provided for NeoYouth products.
  • We will arrange the shipment within 1-3 working days after the order is confirmed. 
  • Please note that the delivery time will be affected by statutory holidays, natural disasters, traffic or the weather.
  • All order confirmations are subject to stock availability. In the event of the unavailability of the requested products, health.ESDlife has the right to reject the order and notify customers by phone or email before delivery for rearrangements.



  • The quality assurance for products should have at least 12 months validity from the date of receipt by the customer.


Exchange Policy:

  • Customers are responsible to check the condition of goods received at the time of delivery. Once confirmed, no replacement is accepted.
  • Products shall be kept in the original package with good conditions for return or exchange. Products that has been worn, used, or altered will not be accepted for return or exchange.
  • If any other defective or missing item is found, customers are required to keep the original receipt and contact AJC Investment Ltd Customer Service Department via the below channels within 3 days from the date of delivery.
    Email: cs@neoyouth.com.hk



User Reviews

Lee J*** 2024-06-09
Budiman R*** 2024-03-11
Definitelly top of the line. I felt my energy level so high throughout the day, i could run longer without being tired. Bought another 3 box when they have promotion.
Chiu Y*** 2024-03-07
Tong S*** 2024-03-06
Ng Y*** K*** 2024-03-02
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