Country of Origin
Tanzania, Uganda, Honduras, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru (Producer: Cecovasa)
Product Features
For consumers that prefer to ground their coffee themselves: an arabica coffee that respects people and environment. A strong coffee with a mild aftertaste and a refined aroma.
EU organic-guarantee label
Suitable for vegetarians
About the producer
Central Office of Agrarian Coffee Cooperatives of the Sandia Valleys (CECOVASA) is an umbrella organization of eight coffee cooperatives with five thousand farmers groups in Peru, all are native tribes with long history of coffee culture."With fair trade, we can improve our living conditions and produce more and better coffee." The Fair-trade premium of CECOVASA is used for training, purchase of tools and implementation of social projects. CECOVASA has an undeniable influence on the development of this marginalized region. The organization creates harmony between the cooperatives, where private buyers could not.