Picture of Thanko Japan Reduced Sugar 35% Rice Cooker White
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Thanko Japan Reduced Sugar 35% Rice Cooker White



  • The temperature inside the oven is kept constant, so that the rice is heated evenly and the taste is prevented from deteriorating
  • Automatically switch to the keep warm mode, and can keep warm for 24 hours
  • A low glycemic index (GI) diet can prevent obesity, help control blood sugar, relieve pancreatic pressure, etc.


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product description

  • The dual heaters under the outer pot and inside the lid keep the temperature inside the oven constant, so that the rice is heated evenly and the taste is prevented from deteriorating.
  • After the rice is cooked, it will automatically switch to the keep warm mode, and it can keep warm for 24 hours.
  • Cooking capacity: 1-4 measuring cups (for sugar reduction mode, please refer to the scale shown in the pot for adjustment)




  • Benefits of a low glycemic index (GI) diet
  • Avoid obesity: The intake of low-glycemic foods will make it easier to feel full and help to control diet.
  • Helps control blood sugar: Because the body needs more time to convert low-glycemic foods into sugar, it helps control blood sugar.
  • Relieve pancreatic pressure: Eating low-glycemic foods requires less insulin secretion, which helps relieve pancreatic pressure.
  • Since low-GI foods convert glucose more slowly, the postprandial blood glucose rise is naturally relatively small, which can more effectively control blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes.
  • In addition, another benefit of low GI food is that it gives us a sense of fullness, which can delay the onset of hunger, thereby helping to control weight.
  • Many studies have pointed out that a low-GI diet can help control blood sugar. In 2008, the American Diabetes Association also proposed the benefits of a low-GI diet on diabetes. (Reference: Hong Kong Diabetes Federation)



Product specifications

  • Voltage 220V (Hong Kong three-pin plug)
  • Products include: rice cookers, measuring cups and rice spoons
  • Dimensions: width 277 x depth 344 x height 302 (mm)
  • Weight: 6.7 kg (not including power cord)
  • The factory provides a 12-month local warranty in Hong Kong
  • Scan the QR Code attached to the product and follow the instructions attached to the product to extend the warranty for an additional 3 months.
  • All product information and after-sales terms are based on the manufacturer’s official website. If you have any questions, please call or visit the distributor’s website for inquiries.



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  4. 營業時間:星期一至星期日 12:00–21:30



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