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Product: MHS_ESD_V_2

MHS Super Valued Herpes Zoster Vaccination

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  • Recommended for 50 years old or above male

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Vaccination of Herpes Zoster Vaccine

  • Herpes Zoster Vaccine

Recommended for male aged 50 or above. Male adults who have had chickenpox are also recommended for vaccination. The plan includes Herpres Zoster vaccination (Zostavax, 1 dose).



The plan includes Herpres Zoster vaccination (Zostavax, 1 dose).


Herpes Zoster is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. After chickenpox sores heal, the virus lies dormant in your nerves and may later reactivate as Zoster. Zoster in early stage is very often misunderstood with general skin disorder as only a few blisters appear on the skin. Therefore patients could have missed the best treatment time if Zoster is not diagnosed early. The pain associated with Zoster could last for years. And if the virus attacks the eyes, it could result in inflammation of the nerves of human face or even lost in eyesight. 


Immune function will decline with age. Therefore, the risk for Zoster increases substantially after age 50, although the virus does not only attack older adults. Studies show 95% of adults are at risk for Zoster. Having Zoster does not guarantee immunity from recurrence. Adults who have had chickenpox are therefore recommended for the vaccination.


Zostavax is the first vaccine to help prevent Zoster and its associated pain (acute and chronic) and PHN. It has been registered in 62 countries in the world.


Who are not recommended for vaccination?
- Those who are allergic to gelatin, neomycin, or any component of the vaccine
- Those who are in primary and acquired immunodeficiency states or on immunosuppressive therapy (including high-dose corticosteroids)
- Those with active untreated tuberculosis


Important Notes about Zoster Vaccine:

This transaction is subject to the approval by doctor for the suitability of vaccine injection.  Customers are required to sign a consent form before the vaccination. The vaccine will only be administered upon doctors approval. Should the vaccination be considered unsuitable by doctor, the customer shall be entitled a full refund. For arrangement of full refund, the customer shall contact health.ESDlife directly.

A doctor consultation fee will be charged if customers require further consultation.
- Postponing the injection is recommended if you currently have fever or taking antibiotics.
- Common side effects associated with Zoster vaccine include redness, pain and tenderness, swelling at the site of injection of the vaccine and headache.
- The Zoster vaccine is not a treatment for Zoster. People who currently have Zoster should not get vaccinated.
- Please read the following Terms and Conditions for more information about the services and preparation for health examination procedures.

嘉偉男士健康中心 - 訂購身體檢查及/或疫苗注射計劃之服務條款及細則:

  • 客戶收到由健康網購health.ESDlife寄出之確認成功付款電郵後,嘉偉男士健康中心將於隨後2個工作天辦公時間內,致電客戶確認預約時間,並安排客戶於預約確認後的最快7個工作天後進行身體檢查及/或疫苗注射。客戶亦可在訂單確認後致電本中心預約(電話:2375 3322)


* 健康網購health.ESDlife並沒有經營或提供有關服務。有關此身體檢查、專科檢查、疫苗注射及/或中醫保健計劃的錯漏或延誤,或因使用此身體檢查、專科檢查、疫苗注射及/或中醫保健計劃而引致的損失、損害、受傷或法律訴訟,健康網購health.ESDlife概不負責。一切有關的索償或查詢,須向嘉偉男士健康中心提出。



地址: 香港九龍尖沙咀廣東道海港城海洋中心1211室
星期一至五: 9:00am – 1:00pm; 2:30 – 7:00pm
星期六: 9:00am – 2:00pm
星期日及公眾假期: 休息


中環診所 (只限性病檢查及疫苗注射)
地址: 香港中環砵典乍街10號6樓601室
星期一至五: 9:00am – 1:00pm; 2:30 – 7:00pm
星期六: 9:00am – 2:00pm
星期日及公眾假期: 休息


性病檢查包括以下計劃(MHS_ESD_M_5, MHS_ESD_M_12)

  • 身體檢查及/或疫苗注射計劃適合任何人士訂購(18歲以下人士,如進行身體檢查及/或疫苗注射,須由家長陪同並簽署疫苗注射同意書)。
  • 本身體檢查及/或疫苗注射計劃有效期為六個月,客戶必須於六個月內(由確認付款日期起計)接受有關檢查,客戶需提前預約相關檢查,逾期作廢。
  • 訂購一經確認,不設退款。
  • 此優惠不可兌換現金或與其他優惠、折扣劵及現金劵同時使用。
  • 所有身體檢查及/或疫苗注射並非作為醫務診斷或治療用途。



* 一般身體檢查及/或性病檢查計劃:
- 嘉偉男士健康中心會於大約1至3個工作天內提供報告,其後客戶可透過電郵發送或預約前往檢驗中心提取報告。如有需要,客戶可約見醫生解釋報告(須另付醫生咨詢費,藥費另計)。


* 癌症檢查及男士身體檢查:
- 嘉偉男士健康中心會於大約4至7個工作天內提供報告,其後客戶可透過電郵發送或預約前往檢驗中心提取報告。如有需要,客戶可約見醫生解釋報告(須另付醫生咨詢費,藥費另計)。


* 生蛇疫苗注射計劃:
- 生蛇疫苗注射計劃由注冊男醫生負責注射評估及注射程序。醫生會於注射前解釋基本注射流程。客戶須於接受疫苗注射前簽署同意書。如需額外咨詢醫生更多有關疫苗注射的詳情,須另付醫生咨詢費。





嘉偉男士健康中心2 Locations
Vaccination Service Quality Gurantee
Suitable for 50 years old or above
Discount Code