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QHMS 2024-2025 Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine
- Recommended for 6 months old or above
- Customers are required to take the vaccination during the vaccination period (1 September 2024 – 28 February 2025)
Swindon 2024/2025 Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine【Intramuscular injection】 (1 dose) – For Aged 2 years or above
- Recommended for 2 years or above
Human Health Gardasil HPV 9 in 1 Vaccine (3 doses)
- Suitable for Individuals aged 15 or above
- The HPV vaccine (9-in-1) provides immunity that prevents up to 90% of cancer and diseases caused by HPV and 98% of Precancerous cervical lesion caused by HPV16 &18 types
Kinetics Hepatitit B Vaccine (3 Doses)
- Recommended for aged 16 or above
- Vaccination time: 0, 1, 6 months
- Laboratory reports of hepatitis B surface antigen and antibodies within 6 months must be provided
- A vaccination assessment will be conducted by medical staff before vacinnation