Picture of BaliSun Virgin Coconut Oil (710ml)
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Product: JI_BVCO1710

BaliSun Virgin Coconut Oil (710ml)


Bali’Sun contains natural vitamin E, antioxidant and antiseptic/and fungal properties as well as lauric acid which the body converts into monolaurin, the same anti-microbial agent found in breast milk. It contains a high level of caprylic and capric acids which diminish the requirements of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and therefore compensate for the deficiency of linoleic acid. 


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“Coconut oil has been used as both a food and a medicine for centuries in many cultures throughout the world. Traditional forms of medicine use coconut oil for a wide variety of health problems, ranging from the treatment of burns and constipation to gonorrhea and influenza. Modern medical research is now confirming the effectiveness of coconut oil for many of these conditions. Research over the past several decades has demonstrated that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are digested and metabolized differently from those of other fats. This difference gives the oil many health benefits obtained from no other source."- Dr Bruce Fife

Balisun virgin coconut oil are 'saturated with goodness'!

‧ 100% pure, unrefined virgin coconut oil
‧ Crystal clear liquid free of contaminants
‧ Maximum concentration of Medium Chain Fatty Acids
‧ Highest concentration of antioxidants
‧ Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
‧ Promotes loss of excess weight
‧ Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal
‧ Guaranteed long shelf life
‧ Heat resistant – the best oil for cooking
‧ Extracted via centrifugal separation technique
‧ Fair traded: provides good working conditions for the local population
‧ Extracted via centrifugal separation technique


There is a growing consensus among scientists that coconut oil is the world’s healthiest dietary oil.

Scientists led by Dr. Mary Enig, Phd, a well known lipid biochemist have clearly revealed the important role saturated fats play in human nutrition. The question that begs asking is… are all saturated fats created equal? According to Dr. Enig and a growing number of researchers, coconut oil ranks as the most beneficial saturated fat. Having survived much maligning by the vegetable oil producers, coconut oil is now making a comeback. Several studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of coconut oil and much research is being done on its incredible nutritional value. Unlike other saturated oils, coconut oil is made up of the highest percentage of Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs). These fatty acids speed up the metabolism, are quickly converted into energy and allow the body to lose excess weight.

The below exerpts are taken from Dr Buce Fife's 'The Coconut Oil Miracle' (also available for sale in our store)

Easy to Digest (Helpful for infants, the elderly, and those with digestive issues)

Medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil don’t require pancreatic enzymes or bile for digestion. They are easy to digest, making them ideal for infants, cystic fibrosis patients, and those who have digestive problems, including those with gall bladder disease and those who have had their gallbladders removed.

Coconut oil useful for malnutrition

Coconut oil has been recommended for use in the treatment of malnutrition because it provides a quick and easy source of nutrition without taxing the enzyme systems of the body. It also improves the absorption of minerals (particularly calcium and magnesium) B vitamins, and fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K and Beta-carotene), as well as some amino acids.

Coconut oil helpful for losing weight, getting energy and improving thyroid function

The MCFA’s in coconut oil are used by the body to produce energy, not make body fat. Coconut oil stimulates metabolism, increase energy and improves thyroid function, all of which aid in reducing unwanted body fat. For these reasons, coconut oil has gained a reputation as being the world’s only natural low-calorie fat. Researchers have recommended the oil as a means to prevent and even treat obesity.

Coconut oil is Heart Healthy

Coconut oil is heart healthy. It does not negatively affect blood cholesterol, does not promote platelet stickiness that leads to blood clot formation and does not collect in the arteries. Coconut oil posses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, all of which protect arteries from atherosclerosis and from heart disease. Those people around the world who consume the most coconut oil have the lowest rates of heart disease. this is true even for those populations who get as much as 50 percent of their daily calories from saturated fat, primarily from coconut oil.

Coconut oil is helpful for fighting against yeast, bacterial, fungi, and parasites

The MCFAs possess powerful antimicrobial properties that kill a variety of disease-causing bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, yet they do not harm friendly gut bacteria or contribute to antibiotic resistance. Coconut oil may be of great help to those with common infections such as influenza and candida as well as more serious problems like HIV.

Because of its resistance to free-radical formation and its ability to support the immune system, coconut oil may be useful in preventing or treating a wide assortment of conditions, many of which aren’t even discussed in this book. Medical research and health care workers are discovering new health benefits associated with coconut oil all the time.”


All coconut oils are not created equal

Most coconut oils are either copra based (made from dried coconuts) or pressed using heat, are refined, bleached and deodorized. These processes yield oils that are characteristically odorless, tasteless and slightly cloudy, and often have a smokey or burnt taste. Even oils referred to as virgin coconut oil are produced by boiling, fermentation or by uncontrolled village based methods. Village based methods are adequate to produce coconut oil for immediate local consumption, but are not appropriate for producing coconut oil on a large scale to be shipped abroad.

Bali’Sun Virgin Coconut Oil

Bali’Sun Virgin Coconut Oil is produced from all white coconut meat which is chopped, ground and pressed within two hours of cracking open the coconut to obtain a milk emulsion. The oil is separated by gravity centrifugation through a new state of the art technology in a hygienic environment. This oil is 100% pure, unrefined virgin oil with very low free fatty acids and very low moisture content. No refining, bleaching, deodorization, heat or chemical treatments are used throughout the entire process. It is a pure crystal clear liquid free of contaminants. When solid it turns a rich shade of immaculate white.

Blai’Sun contains natural vitamin E, antioxidant and antiseptic/and fungal properties as well as lauric acid which the body converts into monolaurin, the same anti-microbial agent found in breast milk. It contains a high level of caprylic and capric acids which diminish the requirements of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and therefore compensate for the deficiency of linoleic acid. The exceptional antioxidant content of Bali’Sun Virgin Coconut Oil gives it great stability and a guaranteed long shelf life (at least 3 years) even without refrigeration. It is the ideal cooking oil. Use it for baking, frying and sautéing, in smoothies or take it right off the spoon.

Fair Trade

Bali’Sun Virgin Coconut Oil is produced under fair trade practices. The company provides employment for many local people under much improved working conditions. The average worker earns twice as much as workers employed to produce coconut oil through the traditional village based methods.




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