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Clearbridge Medical The Youth Advanced Health Screening Package
Recommended for
- Recommended for Teenagers aged 13-19
Key Checkup Items:
- Physical Examination, Eye Function, Resting ECG, Hepatitis Test, Lipids, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Liver, Kidney, Consultation and Report explained by Doctor
Doctor's Consultation
Follow Up Consultation By Doctor
Cardiac Check up
Resting Electrocardiogram ECG
Medical Questionnaire
Medical History
Lifestyle History
Basic Health Assessment
Body Mass Index
Blood Pressure
Ear, Nose, Throat
Lungs, Abdomen
Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System Skin
Immunization history
Total Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
Cholesterol (Total) / HDL Ratio
Fasting Blood Glucose
Liver Function
A/G Ratio
Total Protein
Gamma G.T.
Total Bilirubin
Alk Phosphatase
Direct Bilirubin
Kidney Function
Serum Creatinine
UreaDetermines the level of urea in the blood. Elevated levels of serum urea can be casued by kidney disease, liver disease or dehydration.
Thyroxine (T4)Screening for any abnormal secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone, and whether hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or thyroid abnormalities.
Blood Check
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Renal Condition / Urinalysis
Urine Bacteria
Urine Blood
Urine Color
Urine Ketone
Urine Protein
Urine RBC
Urine SG
Urine Sugar
Urine Leucoytes
Urine Nitrite
Urine EP Cells
Urine Bilirubin
pH, Urine
Hepatitis B Screening
HBsAg (Quantitative)
Antibodies Test
Measles Antibody IgG
Mumps IgG Antibodies
Rubella Ab IgG
Varicella-Zoster Antibody - IgG
Blood Type
Blood Type (ABO)
Eye Check
Visual AcuityTo help in detecting vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia and colour blindness.
Color vision tests
Hearing Test
Tunning Fork Test
Detailed Health Check Report
(Multiple selction) Up to 70% of customers purchase at the same time!
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Pap smear
To check whether there’s any symptom of cervical cancer or any related infection (Applicable to women with sexual experience)
The Youth Health Advance Male Health Screening Package
Health is an important cornerstone of student learning and growth, so student health check-ups are crucial. Youth physical examination provides comprehensive health services to reassure parents and allow teenagers to grow up healthily.
Teenagers play a crucial role in society,More than physical health, but also their mental health. Regular health check can ensure their health and prevent any diseases.
Clearbridge Medical Center - Health Check Package:
- Clearbridge Medical will contact the customer within 2 working days after successful payment. Client also can contact contact Clearbridge Meidcal as the folliwng: 2155 1951 or 2155 2228
- Customers must present their identity cards and order confirmation letter (hard copy) on the appointment day
- Health screening proceeding by medical and health care staff
- The plan will be valid for 6 months starting from the date of payment.
- Checkup report usually takes about 7-14 working days to process the inspection report. Working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
- Amendment or cancellation is not allowed once the payment is confirmed, and is not transferable and refundable.
Clearbridge Medical Center - Vaccine Package:
- Clearbridge Medical will contact the customer within 2 working days after successful payment. Client also can contact contact Clearbridge Meidcal as the folliwng: 2155 1951 or 2155 2228
- Customers must present their identity cards and order confirmation letter (hard copy) on the appointment day.
- Vaccination with 6 months validity. Registration must be completed within 6 months, e.g. purchase date is 1st January 2020, customers must be registered on or before 1st July 2020. Reservations are taken one month in advance. Invalid exceeds the period.
- This transaction is subject to the assessment by doctor for the suitability of vaccine injection. If a patient is considered not suitable for the vaccine injection upon doctor’s consultation, a consultation fee of $ 300 will be charged and the remaining balance will be refunded.
- The vaccination injection process is handled by registered nurse or medical professional.
- No refund on all vaccination.
- All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.
- The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product. ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product. Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product. Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.