Medtimes Take2 Prophecy Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) Screening
Recommended for
Recommended for 18 years old or above
- People planning to conduct detailed health check-up and annual medical check-up, individuals who are at high risk of cardiovascular disease or nasopharyngeal cancer (including those with family health history) etc.
Key Checkup Items:
Prophecy Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) Screening, Liver, Kidney, Blood Test, Renal Condition, Stool Test
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NPC Tumor Marker
Take2 Prophecy Test for NPC
Basic Health Assessment
Body Mass Index
Blood Pressure
Liver Function
Kidney Function
UreaDetermines the level of urea in the blood. Elevated levels of serum urea can be casued by kidney disease, liver disease or dehydration.
Blood Check
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width
WBC Differential Count & Absolute Count (Five Parts)
Renal Condition / Urinalysis
Urine Albumin
Urine Color
Urine pH
Urine SG
Urine Sugar
Urine WBC
Urine Ketone
Urine Nitrite
Urine Bilirubin
Urobilinogen, Urine
Urine Albumin
Urine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio
Urine Protein/Creatinine Ratio
Urine Blood
Urine Microscopy Examination (Six Parts)
Stool Occult Blood
Stool Color
Stool RBC
Stool Consistency
Stool Leucocyte
Ova, Cysts & Parasites
Blood Type
Blood Type (ABO)
Face to face report interpretation by nursing / medical staff
Medtimes Take2 Prophecy Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) Screening
- Early nasopharyngeal cancer symptoms can be easily mistaken as cold or flu infection, such as headache, nasal blockage, tinnitus, etc.
- Screening for early‐stage nasopharyngeal cancer could lead diagnosed patients in accessing prompt treatment as to substantially increase the cure rate and chances of survival.
- Our cutting-edge nasopharyngeal cancer screening is non-invasive. By blood sampling, we use the next-generation sequencing technology in identifying patients with "invisible" illnesses.
Take2 Prophecy Test for Nasopharyngeal Cancer
- Developed by CUHK: the test utilises the NGS technologies invented by the world-class research team from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
- Reliable and accurate: Sensitivity greater than 97%, fewer cases of NPC are missed; very low false-positive rate (0.7%)
- Quick and easy: Simple and non-invasive, only requires a single blood draw without admission into the hospital
- Clinically proven: The utilised technologies have been validated in a large-scale clinical study involving 20,000 individuals
Medtimes Medical Group Terms & Conditions:
- After receiving confirmation email from health.ESDlife, the check up centre will call customer to schedule the appointment.
Medtimes Medical Group - Booking/Inquiry: 3585 8533 - Customers must present their identity cards and print the order confirmation letters upon registration.
- Health check package's validity is 6 months from the date of purchase. Registration must be completed within 6 months.
- No refund is allowed once the Order has been confirmed.
- Under normal circumstances, the medical examination report would be ready in within 10-14 working days.
- No changes are allowed on the optional items once the appointment is made.
- Additional / optional items are only applicable after selecting the check up plan and for the same person
- In case of any dispute, the decision of health.ESDlife and Medtimes Medical Group should be final.
The vaccination injection:
- Normal vaccination with 6 months validity. Registration must be completed within 6 months. Reservations are taken one month in advance. Invalid exceeds the period.
- This transaction is subject to the assessment by doctor for the suitability of vaccine injection. If a patient is considered not suitable for the vaccine injection upon doctor’s consultation, the full amount will be refunded.
- The vaccination injection process is handled by doctor, registered nurse or medical professional.
- All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment.
- The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product. ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product. Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product. Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.
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