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Assessment for Speech Therapy
3% eDollar Rebate
- 適用於1至12歲兒童
- 重點檢查項目:難於理解抽象詞語或複雜語句、發音不準確、說話模糊不清,說話內容與情境不相符
HKCA Children Speech and Language Assessment (1 hour)
3% eDollar Rebate
- Recommended for 18 months to 12 years old children who are suspected of having speech and language development problems.
- Key Checkup Items: Registered Speech Therapist will conduct the assessment. Speech Therapist will analysis and explain the results after assessment.
HKCA Children Speech and Language Assessment (1 hour)
3% eDollar Rebate
- Recommended for 18 months to 12 years old children who are suspected of having speech and language development problems.
- Key Checkup Items: Registered Speech Therapist will conduct the assessment. Speech Therapist will analysis and explain the results after assessment.
3% eDollar Rebate