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AMG Varicella Vaccine

Recommended for

  • People with low immunity
  • Adults who have never had chickenpox and who are not sure if they have been vaccinated
  • Pregnant women (need to be evaluated by a doctor)
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  • Consultation prior to the 1st shot of vaccination
  • Chickenpox Vaccine
  • Injection procedure is handled by medical professional

AMG Varicella Vaccine

Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Some patients may develop bacterial infection of the wound. People with weak immunity and pregnant women will have higher chance to suffer from severe complications, such as pneumonia and encephalitis. Chickenpox in a newborn baby can be more serious and even life-threatening. If a woman is infected with chickenpox in the early stages of pregnancy, it may lead to birth defects in the fetus.

Adults under the age of 60, if they are not sure wether they have been infected with chickenpox, they can first test for chickenpox antibodies or choose to inject the vaccine directly.


*If it is considered as inapproriate to get vaccinated, HKD300 will be charged for Dr Consultation. The remaining amount shall be returned. health.ESDlife and Alliance Medical Group have sole discretion to make the final decision.

仁滙醫務集團2 Locations
Chickenpox Vaccination
Suitable for all ages
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