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『DNA+』@ Nutrition Nutrigenetics Test Lite Version

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Target to anyone who needs a healthy diet and looking for healthy life.

If the below scenarios look familiar with you and you would like to take the control of healthy living, 『DNA+』@ Nutrition Nutrigenetics Test Lite Version is suitable for you:

- Would like to learn more about their own body specific needs
- Would like to have a direction on how to plan your diet
- Would like to lose weight by changing the lifestyle
- Would like to lose weight but have no idea of where to begin
- Do not have time to waste
- Gain back weight lost with a regular diet plan
- Looking for a simple and practical dietary plan
- Previously have no success on the general or popular diet plan

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1 Items

Body Shape

  • Obesity Risk
  • Fat Storage
  • Fat Intake

Food Sensitivity

  • Carbohydrate

Exercise Index

  • Amount of Exercise
  • Effectiveness of Exercise

Healthy life begins with DNA :
『DNA+』@ Nutrition Nutrigenetics Test Lite Version - A tool to help in achieving optimum nutrient content on individual basis. This gene test analyzes genes that impact 6 items, including Obesity Risk, Fat Storage, Fat Intake, Carbohydrates, Amount of Exercise and Effectiveness of Exercise.

The aim is to integrate personal genomics with the rest of the person's lifestyle and health status. It is much easier to do something with your diet and lifestyle than modifying your genes. The advancement in molecular biology has made it possible for nutrition to undergo a revolution.

A really personalized diet will be a diet considering the nutritional status, the nutritional needs based on age, body composition, work and physical activities, and also considering the genotype. The use of genetic information both to guide dietary choices and to inform individual about the possible impact of diet, food and metabolism related to your genetics make up.

Your nutritional needs are unique to you alone. Your nutrition, your genes, your lifestyle and the environment that you expose to that all interact with each other and affect the outcome.『DNA+』@ Nutrition Nutrigenetics Test Lite Version is designed to assist with effective weight management of body weight by guiding diet and exercise programs based on the genetics differences in metabolism, fat adsorption and other related areas.

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