Comparison among the Top 5 Pre-pregnancy Clinics (with exclusive promotional deals)


Many newly-weds have questions and doubts. What couples wonder about is if pre-pregnancy check-ups are equally as important as pre-marital check-ups. Even though these two check-ups have relatively similar tests, but their assessment objectives are in fact, very different. Below, we have selected and compared the top 5 pre-pregnancy check-up clinics in Hong Kong. Feel free to see which package best suits your needs! 



What is the difference between pre-marital check up and pre-pregnancy check up?


The purpose of a pre-pregnancy check-up is to support women who are planning for a child. The doctor will examine a few things: the fertility and health condition of both partners as well as the women’s pregnancy probability. In addition to that, examinations related to “hidden” hereditary diseases will also be conducted. All of these are extremely important because it ensures that the child can develop and grow in a healthy environment.


For those who have taken a pre-marital check up and are planning to start a family this year, we highly recommend that you and your partner take the pre-pregnancy test. This is so the doctor can also see if the woman’s health condition has altered since the initial check-up.


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Pre-pregnancy check up items summary


In Hong Kong, pre-pregnancy check up can be categorized into 3 parts, they are 1. check up items for both men and women, 2. check up items for men and 3. check up items for women. It can be further divided into four major areas: genetic diseases, fertility test, sexually transmissible diseases/infectious disease, and other factors that affect fetal development.



Check up item

For Men

For Women

Fertility test

Semen test


Cervicovaginal secretion test


Pelvic cavity scan


Pap Smear Test




Thyroid examination


Rheumatoid factor


Genetic diseases

DNA Test  

Sexually transmissible diseases/Infectious disease


Syphilis Test

AIDS antibody & antigen

Trichomoniasis & Candidiasis



Chlamydia infection

Hepatitis B Test

Factors that affect fetal development

Rubella vaccine


Rhesus Factor



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A comparison between the top 5 pre-pregnancy clinics in Hong Kong


1. Mobile Medical (price is relatively high)



Medical centre’s selling points: Pre-Pregnant Women Health Check

  •  Includes 4 standard pre-pregnancy examinations: pelvis ultrasound, progesterone, thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone and thyroid-stimulating hormone.
  • Progesterone functions to provide stability for pregnant women. The amount of progesterone a woman has is extremely crucial because it can impact the pregnancy journey. Women who are planning for a child must pay attention to this.
  • Price: HK $1050 (original price: HK $1837) per person


  • 11/F, Jd Mall, 233-239 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • Unit 804, Capitol Centre, 5-9 Jardine’s Bazaar Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
  • Unit 1707, Nan Fung Group, 64-98 Sai Lau Kok Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories地

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2. Kinetics (includes pap smear examination)



Medical centre’s selling points: Pre-pregnancy Health Check - Deluxe Package (Per Couple)

  • 83 cases: Whole blood, blood type, thalassemia, sexually transmitted disease, coronary heart disease, kidney and liver function, German measles test (women), semen (men) related examinations etc.
  • Also offers bone density screening and ultra-thin pap smear examinations (often not included in many health screening packages). This plan offers a variety of assessments and is extremely comprehensive, suitable for those who would like to understand their health conditions in greater detail.
  • Price: HK $4700 (original price: HK $8620) per person



  • Unit 1409-12, Hang Shing Building, 363 Nathan Road, Kowloon
  • Unit 1709, East Point Centre (Old Wing), 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
  • Unit 1912, 19/F, Nan Fung Group, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories

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3. Human Health (most comprehensive male body check)



Body check centre’s selling points: Pre-pregnancy Health Check - Deluxe Package (Per Couple)

  • 52 types of assessments: pelvic ultrasound (uterus, ovary and bladder), German measles antibody, semen, blood test, hepatitis B and sexually transmitted diseases related examinations etc.
  • Offers male ultrasounds (prostate and bladder or testicle). These are not offered in other clinics and screening packages.
  • Price: HK $4010 per couple (original price: HK $4360)



  • Unit 712-715, 7/F phase 1, Grand Plaza, 235-639 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong


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4. Trinity Medical Imaging Centre (includes mammogram)



Body screening centre’s selling points: Supreme Fertility Screening

  • Located in the heart of Central.
  • The Medical Center is equipped with cutting-edge technology. Its 3D mammography device can detect 41% more invasive cancers than other common mammograms and can also reduce the probability of “false positive” cancer results by 40%.
  • 84 types of tests: Comprehensive blood analysis, cardiovascular, kidney and liver function screening, iron deficiency, sexually transmitted diseases, arthritis, bone density examinations, etc. The results will be evaluated by a doctor and medical advice can be provided if needed.
  • Price: HK $6370 (per person)



  • Unit 7B & 22B, Entertainment Building, 30 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong 


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5. Medtimes Medical Group (suitable for expecting mothers) 



Body screening centre’s selling points: SafeT21™express DNA screening test

  • Suitable for women who are on their 10th week of pregnancy. This non-invasive test is highly accurate! It only requires 10ml of blood sample to achieve an accuracy of 99.9%!
  • There are no risks of miscarriage–– extremely safe. The screening can test for potential abnormalities of an infant (chromosomes). This information is critical because a certain amount of chromosome levels will impact your child’s health and development.
  • Price: HK $8800



  • Unit 805, 26 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 20/F, Emperor Watch & Jewellery Centre, 8 Russell Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
  • Unit 711-713A, Landmark North, 39 Lung Sum Avenue, New Territories, Hong Kong

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懷孕前檢查計劃推介 More
Mobile Medical Pre-Pregnant Health Check
Within 4days

Mobile Medical Pre-Pregnant Health Check

3% eDollar Rebate
  • Recommended for 18 years old or above female
  • Key Checkup Items: Pelvis Ultrasound, Progesterone, Thyroid
40% off
Kinetics Pre-Pregnant Health Check – Deluxe Package (Couple)

Kinetics Pre-Pregnant Health Check – Deluxe Package (Couple)

3% eDollar Rebate
  • Recommended for 18 years old or above
  • Key Checkup Items: Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Resting ECG
34% off
Trinity Supreme Fertility Screening
Within 7days

Trinity Supreme Fertility Screening

3% eDollar Rebate
  • Recommended for 18 years old or above
  • Key Checkup Items: Ultrasound, Pap Smear, Semen Analysis, Rubella, Resting ECG, HIV
40% off
Detailed Prenatal Health Check for Coupon
Cash Coupon $300

Detailed Prenatal Health Check for Coupon

3% eDollar Rebate
  • Recommended for 18 years old or above
  • Key Checkup Items: Ultrasound, Semen Analysis, Syphilis, HIV, Rubella
Medtimes SafeT21™express DNA screening test

Medtimes SafeT21™express DNA screening test

3% eDollar Rebate
  • Recommended for 18 years old or above female
  • Key Checkup Items: Down syndrome and other disorders

You have chosen plan(s) for comparison.
