1 Review(s)
Product: SP01

The Specialists' Female Check-up Plan (Breast Ultrasound and Pap Smear) - under 35 years old

Recommended for

  • Recommended for 20-35 years old


Key Checkup Items:

  • Examination by female Doctor, Physical Breasts & Pelvis Examination, Pap Smear, Breast Ultrasound

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Value for money 5.0
Service 5.0
Facility 5.0
Waiting time 4.0
Report time 4.0

User Reviews

Lai G 2023-10-07
體檢地點方便, 信譽良好
  • 1
1 Highlight Items


  • Ultrasound Breasts
2 Items

Doctor's Consultation

  • Consultation by female doctor

Cervical Lesions Test (Female Only)

  • ThinPrep Pap Test (Female Only)

Breasts & Pelvis Palpation

  • Breasts & Pelvis Palpation


  • Report Interpretation by Female Doctor
(Multiple selction) Up to 70% of customers purchase at the same time! Want to add other items? Contact us for enquiries!
  • Bone Densitometry DEXA (Spine & Hip)

    Bone Densitometry, also called Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA/DXA), uses two different energy X-Ray beams on lumbar spine and hip region to measure bone mineral density. The radiation dose is tiny, approximately equals one-tenth the dose of plain chest X-ray. The procedure is safe, painless, quick (10 minutes).

  • 2D Mammogram

    Mammography is a high-resolution X-Ray imaging of the breasts. It is a common imaging procedure for breast cancer screening program. Screening is for people without symptoms in order to detect diseases or identify high-risk individuals.


The Specialists' Female Check-up Plan (Breast Ultrasound and Pap Smear) - under 35 years old

  • To reduce the risk of breast cancer, above age 20 women should have a breast examination by a doctor every 2 years. In our 16th anniversary, we promote a special breast check-up program for women between ages 20 and 35. The package including consultation, physical examination, ultrasound examination and physical breasts & pelvis examination and pap smear.
  • This program is especially designed for age 20 to 35 women: serviced by a professional medical team. Female Doctor will provide the first consultation, physical breasts & pelvis examination and pap smear and report explanation. Ultrasound breast examination performed by our Female Sonorgrapher.
  • We have private changing rooms, each with iPad, free Wi-Fi service, a wardrobe with electric lock, sofa and an emergency alarm. Patients could enjoy her own independent and private space.

Note: This examination not suitable for woman who had undergone Mastectomy/ Breast Reconstruction/ Plastic Surgery.

The Specialists Health Check and Diagnostic Imaging Centre - Health Check Package:

The confirmation email will be sent to your e-mail address immediately after successful payment. Customers will be informed within 1-2 working days. Customers also can query your transaction in the next working days. (General Enquiry Hotline: 3405 8288 Or WhatsApp: 6053 2278)



For customers aged 18 or above



Health Checkup Package with 3 months validity. Registration must be completed within 3 months, for example, purchase date is 1st Jane 2022, customers must be register on or before 1st September 2022.



Under normal circumstance, all medical reports will be ready around 14 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holiday). A delay in processing some requests due to the following reasons:1. Indicate the specific selective 2. Some items take more time to test.
Customers can take report through these ways:


a. Face to face explanation
b. Call report & *Self-pickup


Taking time: Monday to Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm


Please note

  1. The appointment date of health checking can be changed once. Hong Kong Specialist will charge an administrative fee of $200 for more than once.
  2. If patient wants to provide an old medical report for reference, It will be limited to 2 reports. 
  3. The report of Lung Funcion Assessment (CT Low Dose Thorax ) will be shown in DVD and formal report.



  1. All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.   When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. 
  2. The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product.  ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product.  Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product.  Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.
The Specialists Health Check and Diagnostic Imaging Centre1 Locations
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