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Product: AMC_SFGP

Adventist Medical Center (Causeway Bay) - Smart Female Health Assessment Package - By General Practitioner

Recommended for

  • Recommended for 18 years old or above female


Key Checkup Items:

  • Pap Smear, Mammogram or Ultrasound, Cancer Marker, Resting ECG, Chest X Ray

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To scan through the whole breast and tissues, understanding the situation of cancer in the early stage, and follow up before the tumors formulated

Ultrasound of Breasts

Use imaging to access whether there's any tumor inside the breast, including the size, any cancer or benign tumor like ovarian fibroma.
2 Highlight Items

Cervical Lesions Test (Female Only)

  • Pap Smear

Cancer Marker 

  • Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)

Breasts Examination

  • Ultrasound of Breasts or Mammogram (Either One)

Cardiac Check up

  • Resting Electrocardiogram ECG 


  • Chest X-Ray
3 Items

Basic Health Assessment

  • Blood Pressure
  • Body Mass Index
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Physical Examination by Doctor
  • Pulse
  • Color Vision
  • Glaucoma Preliminary Tests
  • Visual Acuity
  • Medical History and Lifestyle Questionnaire


  • Fasting Blood Glucose

Liver Function

  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • Total Protein
  • Gamma G.T.
  • ALP
  • Total Bilirubin

Kidney Function

  • Creatinine
  • Urea
    Determines the level of urea in the blood. Elevated levels of serum urea can be casued by kidney disease, liver disease or dehydration.
  • Urine Routine
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • CO2


  • Thyroxine (FT4)

Blood Check

  • CBC


  • Stool Routine (Parasites, Ova)
  • Stool Occult Blood

Coronary Function Examination and Coronary Risk Screening 

  • Total Cholesterol 
  • HDL-Cholesterol 
  • LDL-Cholesterol
  • Triglyceride 


  • Uric acid


  • Comprehensive Health Check Report with Doctor's Comment & Suggestion
Enjoy 50% off discount!Up to 70% of our customer get the addon offers!
  • DEXA

    Spine & Hip (DEXA is the most widely used and most accurate way to measure Bone Mineral Density (BMD). Our equipment uses two different X-ray beams to estimate bone density in your spine and hip. DEXA can measure as little as 2% of bone loss per year. The test is fast and uses very low doses of radiation, and allows you to keep track on your bone density as you age.)


Includes CEA cancer marker, breasts and Cerix disease screening, coronary risk, diabetes, liver function, kidney function, stool test, thyroid function and X-ray.

Either one: Ultrasound of Breasts or Mammogram

Adventist Medical Center Terms and Conditions on Health Check Services:

  • After successful payment, the Customer receives confirmation email from health.ESDlife, Adventist Medical Center will call the Customer to schedule the appointment within 1-2 working days. Customer can call Adventist Medical Center (Causeway Bay) for any enquiry (tel: 2782 2202).
  • Customers must present their identity cards and print the order confirmation letter on the appointment day.
  • The health check package is valid for six months( from the date of purchase ) or it will be forfeited.
  • Under normal circumstances, all medical reports will be ready around 7-10 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holiday). A delay in processing some requests due to the following reasons: 1. indicate the specific selective 2. Some items take more time for test.
  • Amendment or cancellation is not allowed once the payment is confirmed, and
  • All tests are not for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment.



  1. All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.   When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. 
  2. The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product.  ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product.  Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product.  Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.


Adventist Medical Center (Causeway Bay)1 Locations
Private Hospital
Service Quality Gurantee
Suitable for 18 years old or above

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