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Product: Optical88_ZCDEDAP

Optical 88 Dry Eye Disease Assessment And Comprehensive Eye Health Programme


Recommended for

  • Recommended for 18 years old or above


Key Checkup Items:

  • By Optometrist (About 75 minutes), Tear film break-up time test , Tears quality and quantity assessment, Meibography, Refraction check ,Visual acuity, Intra-ocular pressure (IOP) measurement, Binocular vision assessment, Colour vision test, Stereopsis, Slit lamp examination on outer and inner eye structures, Dilated fundus examination
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4.9 /5
2 Comment(s)
Value for money 4.5
Service 5.0
Facility 5.0
Waiting time 5.0
Report time 5.0
1 Highlight Items

Eye Check

  • Tear film break-up time test
  • Tears quality and quantity assessment
  • Meibography
2 Items

Eye Check

  • Optometrist Consultation
  • Visual Acuity
  • Intra-ocular pressures
  • Color vision tests
  • Stereopsis
  • Slit lamp examination
  • Dilated fundal examination
  • Digital Retinal Scans
  • Pupillary reflex
  • Internal and External Ocular Health
  • Binocular Vision
  • Refraction


  • Report and explanation by Optometrist

Optical 88 Dry Eye Disease Assessment And Comprehensive Eye Health Programme

  • Dry Eye Disease Assessment is for customers who are suffering from dry eye symptoms.
  • It includes a number of tests to assess the quality and quantity of tears, evaluate the tear film stability and meibomian glands integrity.
  • Together with a detailed optometric eye examination to understand the cause of dry eye disease and recommend management plan.
  • Dry eye disease (DED) is a common eye health issue in urban cities, which affects life quality and lowers work efficiency. It may increase the risk of infection in severe cases.
  • The causes of DED varies, including evaporation rate, decreased tear production or complication of other eye diseases and drugs. Understand the causes and intensity of symptoms helps to effectively manage DED and maintain healthy eyes.


Important Reminder: Pupil dilation maybe needed during eye exam. We suggest you to put on sunglasses, avoid driving, using computer and reading after eye examination. In general, ocular function will resume normal after 4-6 hours.


Optical 88 Dry Eye Disease Assessment Programme:

  1. DED questionnaire and Case history
    Identify visual problems, symptoms of DED and relevant family history

  2. Refraction check
    Measurement of Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia, etc. Evaluate performance of current optical correction

  3. Visual acuity (VA)
    Check the distance and near VA, evaluate if vision is up to standard and fulfill the requirement for daily activities

  4. Intra-ocular pressure (IOP) measurement
    Rise in IOP may result in Glaucoma which may lead to blindness if left untreated

  5. Binocular vision assessment
    Visual function assessment on squint, accommodation (ability in changing focus) and motility (alignment of eyes in tracking target). Binocular vision problems may lead to tired eyes, blurry vision and double vision

  6. Colour vision test
    Test on ability to differentiate colors, colour vision problem may be genetic and may affect job selection

  7. Stereopsis (depth perception)
    Good stereoacuity is important for precise judgment of distance and three-dimension perception, it is also important for sport performance

  8. Slit lamp examination on outer and inner eye structures
    Assessment of dry eyes, corneal health, cataract, floaters, etc.

  9. Tear film break-up time test
    Tear film break-up time, format and pattern may reveal the health of tears and corneal surface. A stable tear film keeps the eyes moist.

  10. Tears quality and quantity assessment
    Excess or lack of lipid in tears and decreased tear volume will lead to dry eye symptoms.

  11. Meibography
    Healthy meibomian glands are essential for good tear quality. Meibography helps to analyze the cause of dry eye disease.

  12. Dilated fundus examination (retina image capture with digital fundus camera)
    Assessment of the central and peripheral retina, can reveal some severe eye diseases such as retinal tear, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Digital retinal image is captured for photo documentation

  13. Consultation and recommendation
    Analyze the causes of dry eye disease, evaluate visual needs and the risk of getting eye disease, give advices on follow up and management plans. Referral for medical follow up when necessary.



Terms and Conditions:

  • A confirmation email will be sent to customer immediately after successful payment and Optical 88 will email the e-redemption letter to the registered email address within 2 working days. The customer is required to make an appointment in advance after receiving the e-redemption letter. Please refer to the letter for our centres’ contact information.
  • Redemption of hearing examination is only applicable in Optical 88 Hearing Centres in Hong Kong; Redemption of eye examination is only applicable in Optical 88 Professional Eyecare Centres in Hong Kong.
  • This e-redemption letter can only be used once.
  • Once the order is confirmed, it is not allowed to change the ordered plan or refund.
  • Appointment is required for eye examination and hearing assessment. If rescheduling is needed, minimum 24 hours advance notice is required (excluding public holidays as observed in Hong Kong). Optical 88 Ltd. reserves the right to refuse rescheduling within 24 hours and the e-redemption letter will be treated as redeemed.
  • This e-redemption letter and identity card shall be presented prior to the hearing assessment on the appointment day.
  • In the event of any disputes, the decision of Optical 88 Ltd. and health.ESDlife shall be final.


Guidelines for patients under 18 years old

  • All children under age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
  • For children aged 16 -17, if neither parent nor legal guardian is accompanying the youth, advance notice on the contact information of parent or legal guardian is required.



  • The redemption will be valid for 3 months starting from the date of payment.


Eye examination report

  • Under normal circumstances, eye examination reports will be ready around 10 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holidays). Customers can collect the report in any appointed Professional Eyecare Centre or Optical 88 store.
  • Customers should authorize a nominee to collect the eye examination report on their behalf. Authorization letter, ID card copy and signature of the nominee are required for collecting report.


Remarks for eye examination report

  • All eye examination reports will be destroyed after 12 months if it is not collected
  • Customers should keep their reports properly. An administration fee will be charged ($100 per report) for re-issue of the report.


Hearing test result explanation

  • Hearing test results will be explained during the appointment. Our professionals or audiologist will recommend appropriate solutions according to every individual’s needs and preferences. No report will be provided.



  1. All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.   When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. 
  2. The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product.  ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product.  Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product.  Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.
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