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Product: MM_Mobile_Supreme_Female

MM Female Supreme Plan (Hotel On-site service)

Recommended for

  • Women of all ages
  • Women with cancer history in the family, cancer patient, cancer patient after treatment and cancer person in recovery stage


Key checkup items:

  • mRNA Circulating Tumor Cells Screening, Lipids, Diabetes, Liver Function, Kidney Function, Thyroid, Hepatitis Screening, Gout, Report Interretation by nursing/ medical staff


Attention! This is an on-site check-up service. 

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1 Highlight Items

mRNA Circulating Tumor Cells Specified Screening

  • Colorectal Cancer Marker
  • Breast Cancer Marker
  • Liver Cancer Marker
  • Gastric Cancer Marker
  • Lung Cancer Marker
  • Head & Neck Cancer Marker
  • Nasopharyngeal Cancer Marker
  • Pancreatic Cancer Marker
  • Cevical Cancer Marker
2 Items

Cardiac Check up

  • Homocysteine
  • Myoglobin

Basic Health Assessment

  • Blood Pressure
  • Pulse
  • Medical History Assessment Form


  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • Total Lipid
  • Triglycerides
  • VLDL


  • Fasting Blood Glucose
  • HbA1c

Liver Function

  • Total Bilirubin
  • Direct Bilirubin
  • Indirect Bilirubin
  • Total Protein
  • ALP
  • Albumin
  • Globulin
  • A/G Ratio
  • GGT

Kidney Function

  • Serum Creatinine
  • Urea
    Determines the level of urea in the blood. Elevated levels of serum urea can be casued by kidney disease, liver disease or dehydration.
  • e-Glomerular Filtration Rate


  • Thyroxine (FT4)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
  • Free T3(FT3)

Blood Check

  • Basophils
  • Eosinophils
  • Haemoglobin
  • Lymphocytes
  • MCH
  • Monocytes
  • Neutrophils
  • Platelet
  • RBC
  • Blood Smear
  • WBC
  • MCV
  • MCHC
  • PCV

Hepatitis A Screening

  • Hepatitis A Antibody (Quantitative)

Hepatitis B Screening

  • HBsAb
  • HBsAg

Hepatitis C Screening

  • HCV Ab

H Pylori

  • H.Pylori Antibody

Muscle Tissue Damage Index

  • CK Total

Laboratory Tests

  • Ca
  • Phosphate
  • Magnesium

Tissue Inflammation Screening

  • Rheumatoid Factors


  • Uric acid

Inflammation Marker

  • hs-CRP(Quanti)


  • Face to face report interpretation by nursing / medical staff

Staff is required to have their temperature checked before entry into the home. Every staff also required to have proper wearing of surgical mask and PPE during visit.


This standard plan includes standard items that a body health check should have, also focus on 9 most common tumors screening in an extremely early stage. 9 items CTCs Early Screening including: Lung, Liver, Stomach, Pancreatic, Colorectal, Head and Neck, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Breast, Cevical. It could screen out and detect the ultra-early stage of Tumor (0.2 cm or above) by investigating CTCs. mRNA dynamic gene technology is up to 93-97% of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity by using non-invasive and safety technology.


Detailed health check including:

  • Complete blood picture
  • Liver function
  • Hepatitis A, B, C Screening
  • Kidney function
  • Lipid
  • Gout and diabetes mellitus screening
  • Inflammation marker
  • Cardiac Enzyme test
  • Thyroid function test
  • 3 minerals or element (calcium,Po4, magnesium, ) essential for body health
  • H. pylori infection
  • With the brand new mRNA dynamic gene technology, 9 items CTCs Early Screening Including: Lung, Liver, Stomach, Pancreatic, Colorectal, Head and Neck, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Breast, Cervical

On-site service terms and conditions:

  1. Onsite service is available from 9:30 - 16:30, Monday to Friday.
  2. The service is not available on Saturday, Sunday and public holiday.
  3. In order to avoid the accident, you have to take your pet to a kennel duringservice.
  1. Mother/Parents must be present if patients who are under 18 years of age.
  2. If a patient is aware that he/she gets dizziness, or unsuccessful while having blood collected, the patient may report us.
  1. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel on-site service for certain reasons.
  2. Delivery service is not applicable to restricted areas :
  • New Territories : Tung Tau Industrial Area, Yuen Long Industrial Estate, Lo Wu, Ta Kwu Ling, Sha Tau Kok, Mai Po, Kam Tin
  • Outlying islands : Cheung Chau, Ping Chau, Mui Wo, Lamma Island, Discovery Bay, Ma Wan, Lantau Island, Tung Lung Island, Grass-Island, Kat O, Tung Ping Chau, Tai O


On-site service procedures:

  1. The confirmation email will be sent to your e-mail address immediately after successful payment. Clients will be informed within 1-2 working days. Customers also can query your transaction in the next working days.
  1. We will contact clients to arrange an appointment and clients should pre-fill the relevant information in the e-form link provided prior to the appointment date.
  2. We will go through a routine, procedure and briefing with clients the day before.
  3. Nurse/ Phlebotomists will go through the questionnaire and explain the blood-sampling procedure to a patient before blood collection.
  1. Clean the site before leaving.


Mobile Medical and Health Check Centre Limited Terms & Conditions:

  • The confirmation email will be sent to your e-mail address immediately after successful payment. Customers will be informed within 1-2 working days. Customers also can query your transaction in the next working days. General Enquiry Hotline: 2369 0680 (Mobile Medical and Health Check Center Ltd)
  • We can arrange receipt issued by health.ESDlife after purchase and the receipt will be sent out after 7-14 working days. Customer who need receipt can make a request during purchase or contact our customer service team via one of the below means: by email (support@esdlife.com) or by phone (3151 2288).
  • For customers aged 10 or above
    Guidelines (patients under 18 years old)
    A. Between ages 10 – 16
    (1) Accompanied by a parent/ legal guardian
    Signed parent/guardian consent form, and proof of identity
    (2) Without parent/legal guardian present
    A signed consent form from parent/legal guardian and must be accompanied by an adult over 18.

    B. Between ages 16 – 18
    If neither parent is accompanying the youth, participants must carry a signed consent form from parent/legal guardian.


  • Most of health checkup package with 12 months validity. Registration must be completed within 12 months. Reservations are taken one month in advance. Invalid exceeds the period.


*This transaction is subjected to the assessment by nurse for the suitability of vaccine injection. Doctor support service is available if patient need to seek help. If a patient is considered not suitable for the vaccine injection upon the consultation, the full amount will be refunded. The vaccination injection process is handled by registered nurse.


*The vaccination injection process is handled by doctor, registered nurse or medical professional.  This service is only available in Jordon centre(Opening Hours : Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 2:00pm - 6:00pm)



a. Report interpretation is only available in Jordan branch, please contact the branch for further enquiries.

b. Customers can get one free call or face to face explanation. Otherwise, customers would be charged an additional fee. (please check with Mobile Medical for the charging fee).
c. All medical records will be destroyed after 3 months. Please note an administration fee may be charged $150 for additional copies. We make no warranties regarding completeness of report copies.
d. If they choose mailing report, then they do so at their own risk.
e. All tests are not for the purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment. If patients require a letter of referral from a doctor, we're entitled to charge $230 for this service.



  • Under normal circumstances, most of medical reports will be ready around 14 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and public holiday).
  • If customers receive the report by email, we can ready the e-report within 14 working days. After receiving the e-report, you can reply email for reservation of report review (call or face to face) if you need.
  • mRNA checkup report will be ready around 21 working days. 


A delay in processing some requests due to the following reasons: 1. indicate the specific selective 2. Some items take more time for test



  1. All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.   When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. 
  2. The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product.  ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product.  Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product.  Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.
Mobile Medical and Health Check Centre Limited6 Locations
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