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Product: TKE_Comprehensive

Tai Kwong Eyecare Comprehensive Eye Exam

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The pacakage has include $200 coupon for purchasing glasses after checking

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The pacakage has include $200 coupon for purchasing glasses after checking

Recommended for

  • Recommended for 4 years old or above


Key Checkup Items:

  • Vision and Refraction Assessment, Binocular Vision Assessment, Colour Vision Assessment, Intra-ocular Pressure and Corneal Thickness Measurement, Digital Retinal Scans, Ocular Health Assessment, Dilated Fundus Examination


* We suggested patients aged 40 or above, with high myopia (defined as equal or more than -6.00D) or with diabetes should perform comprehensive eye exam annually to ensure good ocular health. Appropriate treatment can then be made more effectively if any abnormalities are found at early stage.

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4.7 /5
20 Comment(s)
Value for money 4.8
Service 4.8
Facility 4.8
Waiting time 4.8
Report time 4.5
1 Items

Eye Check

  • Optometrist Consultation
  • Visual Acuity
  • Color vision tests
  • Stereopsis
  • Dilated fundal examination
  • Binocular Vision Assessment
  • Intra-ocular Pressure Measurement
  • Corneal Thickness Measurement
  • Digital Retinal Scans
  • Internal and External Ocular Health
  • Refraction


  • Report and explanation by Optometrist

Tai Kwong Eyecare Centre's comprehensive eye exam not only includes vision and refraction assessment (including myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia), but also includes assessmet which can find out common eye problems such as amblyopia (lazy eyes), colour vision deficiency, cataract, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. This exam is applicable to customers with age of 4 or above and is performed by experienced Registered Optometrist (Part I).

Undergoing regular comprehensive eye exam can make sure your eyes are in the best condition for facing all the challenges from school and work all times. In addition, if there are any early vision problems are detected, early treatment and further investigation can be done accordingly.

  1. Case History Taking
    History taking is crucial for letting us understand your best interests. Detailed enquiries about your chief complaints, daily habits, visual demand, personal general and ocular health history, medication and family health history will be made.
  2. Vision and Refraction Assessment
    Various visual acuity charts (including letters, numbers, E charts and Lea Symbols) which meet international standard are used to examine the vision of patients over a broad age range.
    With the assistance of the latest refractive instrumentation, refractive error (including myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia) and amblyopia (lazy eyes) are measured precisely by professional optometrists.
  3. Binocular Vision Assessment
    Assessing binocular function can identify strabismus (squint) and even some of the rather serious ocular or systemic complications.
  4. Colour Vision Assessment
    Ishihara are used to rule out any congenital colour vision deficiency. Appropriate counselling will be given accordingly.
  5. Intra-ocular Pressure and Corneal Thickness Measurement
    Intra-ocular pressure measurement aids in diagnosing glaucoma. Measuring corneal thickness can ensure more accurate intra-ocular pressure measurement.
  6. Digital Retinal Scans
    With the fundus camera, high definition retinal photos (including optic nerve head, macula, retinal blood vessels, etc.) are taken for the purposes of diagnosing retinal diseases and monitoring pathological changes.
  7. Ocular Health Assessment
    Thorough ocular health assessment of various eye structures such as cornea, crystalline lens and macula is performed with the use of advanced ophthalmic equipment.
  8. Dilated Fundus Examination
    Floaters, diabetic retinopathy and peripheral retina were examined thoroughly through dilated funuds examination
  9. Report, Diagnosis and Professional Advice
    Our optometrists will analyze the eye examination results and provide you with appropriate recommendations based on your ocular conditions. A detailed eye examination report will also be given for your own record.


Tai Kwong Eyecare Centre – Eye Examination:

  • Tai Kwong Eyecare Centre will contact the customer for eye examination within 2 working days after successful payment by WhatsApp or Phone. Customers may also call Tai Kwong Eyecare Centre at 3619 7236 or WhatsApp the centre at 9299 7643 for booking.
  • The eye examination plan is only available at Tai Kwong Eyecare Centre.
  • Customers must present their identity cards and order confirmation letter (printed or e-version) on the appointment day.
  • Amendment or cancellation is not allowed once the payment is confirmed, and is not transferable and refundable.
  • All eye examination plans are not applicable on Sundays and Public Holidays.
  • All eye examination are not for the purpose of medical treatment.
  • In case of disputes, the decision of health.ESDlife and Tai Kwong Eyecare Centre shall be final.



  • The redemption will be valid for 6 months starting from the date of payment.



  1. All health check/health screening services are not for the purpose of medical diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.   When there is any sign of symptom/disease in your health, please consult Doctor immediately for diagnosis and treatment. 
  2. The Merchant is the service provider of this Service/Product.  ESD Services Limited (“Health.ESDlife”) is not the service provider of this Service/Product.  Health.ESDlife is irresponsible to any loss, injury or law action caused by using this service/product.  Any claims and inquiries should be addressed to the respective Merchant.
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